Hey folks, I would like to introduce myself. I was born and raised in Winnipeg, then did high school and university in Brandon. God called me first to teaching in public high school. After eight years, God led me to full time ministry, first at Word of Life Bible Institute in Owen Sound Ontario, followed by four years as Youth Pastor in Teulon Manitoba, and then six and a half years as lead pastor in Dauphin Manitoba. About the same time that I started in Dauphin, God brought to me the wonderful woman that would become my wife. We now have a fun, fluffy companion named Jasper (a sheltie), and a sweet daughter named Andrea. Two verses come to mind that have impacted my life as a believer in Jesus Christ, and follower of His way. The first is Acts 20:35, where Paul quotes Jesus as saying, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ The journey of life has become so much more fulfilling as I have learned to live by this principle, not only at Christmas but throughout the year, and in various ways. The second is 2 Timothy 2:15, where it says, ‘Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth.’ This has certainly been my motto as I delve into the Word of God, seeking to clearly present it to the people in my care. The Scriptures have been given to us by God not just for knowledge, but for faith in action.
I will be shortly beginning a blog on the Gospel of John, diving into this wonderful presentation of the good news of Jesus Christ, helping you understand it in a practical way. I pray that this blog is a blessing to you, and to those you pass it on to.